Hermannsburg Historic Precinct

Martha Wheeler

Martha Wheeler was born on 7 February 1967. She is the second child of Betty and Marcus Wheeler.

Martha Wheeler

About the artist

Martha Wheeler was born on 7 February 1967. She is the second child of Betty and Marcus Wheeler.

Her father is one of the aboriginal pastors at Hermannsburg. Martha is a Great Granddaughter of Albert Namatjira and is named after one of Alberts daughters. Martha has lived in Hermannsburg all her life. She has always painted and has also taught others. She has five daughters and five grandchildren.

Discover other artists

Marcus Wheeler

Marcus was born in 1947 at Underanna an outstation west of Hermannsburg.

Gloria Napurrurla Pannka

Gloria Pannka was born at Hermannsburg in 1953. She is a granddaughter of Albert Namatjira and daughter of Claude Pannka who was one of the first generation of Hermannsburg water colour artists.